A Wide Range Of Geospatial Products

We have an enviable library of high quality geospatial data available and accessible immediately via our Mapshop including aerial photography and LiDAR.

In addition, we offer tailored and bespoke solutions to support specific customer projects and have unique solutions like our National Tree Map™ and the innovative 3D mesh product, MetroVista™.

Visit The Mapshop To Access our world of data

Our online Mapshop gives you immediate access to a diverse range of geospatial data ranging from Aerial Photography, LiDAR, Terrain, National Tree Map™, Ordnance Survey, Derived Data.

Quick search: Enter area of interest
(postcode, town/city, coordinates or OS reference)

Aerial shot of an estate with National Tree Map data

National Tree Map™

Our National Tree Map™ is a unique dataset that maps the height, location and tree canopy of trees 3 metres and over in England, Wales, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland.

Image shows an aerial view of fields with hedgerows and low vegetation

National Hedgerow Map™

Our National Hedgerow Map™ is a unique dataset that maps the location, extent and volume of hedgerows under 3 metres in England, Wales, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland.

3+30+300 Analysis Tool

An add-on to our National Tree Map™, the 3+30+300 Analysis Tool can be used for urban planning for green infrastructure and green spaces.

Aerial view of LiDAR data in a riverside urban area

LiDAR Height Data

We capture detailed and accurate terrain information including the height of both the terrain and any above ground features, such as trees and buildings.

MetroVista graphic of Tower Bridge in London


We have captured 20 UK cities to create intricate 3D mesh models which are an ideal baseline for a number of applications, including the creation of digital twins.

Aerial photo of a beachfront in Bournemouth

Aerial Photography

We have a full library of aerial imagery of Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland at high resolution including many areas mapped at 5cm.

Photogrammetric DTM showing terrain height features of a hillside and valley

Photogrammetric DTM

Our photogrammetrically derived digital terrain models (DTM) are available as a grid of heightened points and contours at 5m intervals.

Photogrammetric image of terrain and surface features

Photogrammetric DSM

Our photogrammetrically derived digital surface models (DSM) are available as a grid of heightened points and contours at 25cm intervals.

Colour Infrared imagery of a riverside area with trees and residential buildings

Colour Infrared

Colour Infrared (CIR) offers a unique tool to assist with the assessment of the health and state of vegetation and can be processed to create NDVI data.

Graphic shows 3D building model of the Bullring in Birmingham

3D Building Models

Our collection of high resolution stereo aerial photography places us in the ideal place to provide cost-effective, accurate and detailed 3D models.

Bespoke Solutions

Get in touch with our technical sales team at info@bluesky-world.com to discuss your requirements and we can provide you with a tailored quote.

Survey plane at Birmingham Airport

Data as a Service

Our new subscription service provides unlimited access to Bluesky data which is centrally hosted

We have listened to our customers and we believe GeoStream offers the flexibility and value they need. It really is an ‘all-you-can-consume’ service enabling the user to access our national aerial imagery data and then add the layers they need when they need them. These includes all our terrain datasets for Great Britain and Ireland, as well as our newly launched MetroVista™ 3D mesh model products, our unique National Tree Map™ and 5cm resolution city imagery.

Please do talk to us to find out how you can start using Bluesky’s market leading data without limits.